obadja - the hardcore worship

deutsche version

Monday, June 27, 2005

Jesus rocks the Czech Republik

Awesome! Simply, awesome!
After a funny Roadtrip through Poland we arrived at the camping site near the Czech-Poland border Friday at 7 p.m. And we have been welcomed very dearly. After that we checked out the location.
In the beginning there were just a few people, but that changed rapidly. First we moved to our Band-Bungalow and waited for the other guys from Berlin (all in all more than 20 boys and girls). We visited the concert of Jumbo Jet (they rock!) and went swimming. On the next morning on more time swimming (can there be anything better than to stand up an wank 100 meters to the lukewarm lake and jump in?). After that the service started, where we did th worshipping and the worshipping was really saturated with holy spirit and we have been really smashed and just smiling all the time. It is really cool to see people loving Jesus and expressing it... the prediction has been very cool, too. After that wew continued chilling, chatting, swimming, eating (cutlet from veal, french fries, salad for 2 Euro – about 2,40 Dollar). Alan and Tina from the United States were with us and will stay a while with us in Berlin. The chairmen of the Freakfest had just spontaneous decided that Alan should predict on Sunday... In the evening we had our first concert for a long time again. And despite we all threee were tired and I had prefered to go to sleep, it really rocked... and a fter the 3rd Song there was no fatigue left. And after that we continued the already familiar chilling, chatting and swimming stuff.
At the next morning Alan preached and it has really moved us all. It was simply about the love of god and our relationships and it ended up with tears for many people ( for example for me) and with the extremely strong feeling that the almighty god really loves us... after that we gathered in the prayertent and prayed for all the chairmen in czech and what can I say... it was just awesome. God was really there and talked a lot. One more time tears and the assuredness: JESUS REALLY ROCKS IN CZECH!!!
Wir really thankful, that we could have been there celebrating Jesus together. An it fells good to know that you don't need a lot of structure, organisation, experience or money to create a veryweekend with Jesus and a bunch of czech, polish, american and german siters and brothers.
Frede went with Alan, Tina, Maren and Robbi to Dresden and Löbau and will arrive tomorrow in Berlin... All in all a very awesome Jesusfestival. THANK YOU JESUS!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Even extremely cool. We started a roadrunner action today... we have been at various places, left the car unlocked with open window and my purse in front. When we drove home I realized, that my purse wasn't there any more. So we started to look everywhere... everything was clear. Stolen. Shit! I drove back home with the Underground without my wallet (and of course without a ticket) and of course there were ticket collectors. I have been ready for the worst but just like a wonder they didn't control me... (I have a ticket in normal terms ;-)
Then I realized that my ID Card (and the one of my wife too) were still in my purse and that we wanted to go to the Czech Republik on friday.... SHIT!!! i thought. It's even getting worse. I was in a really bad mood and asked god how this could be that we are doing action for him and my purse is beeing stolen. And in addition my ID Card stolen and maybe we can't play in the Czech Republic. Why???? So I come home, call Frede and ask him to search the whole car for my purse, just if maybe ....

then I adjured one more time to god, that he should do something (after I realized, that all my EC-Cards were in there). After the "amen" I go into my room and on the cupboard... lies my purse. Cool!!! I had it definetly with me (I bought some bootlaces in a shop and there I had it definetly in my hand.) Frede remembered that I had it in my hand too. And now it is on my cupboard. That is what I call a wunder. THANK YOU GOD!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Fete de la musique + Volxbibel

tomorrow is "Fete de la musique" in berlin and all over the world. That means everywhere (really everywhere) there are guys making music on the streets. And we will be one of them and will do some Roadrunner action... it will be really cool without any problems with the pigs ;-)

Martin Dreyer is writing the volxbibel. This is a transformation of the bible into slang german. Really cool and really ingenious. But then, it is questioned and some lowbrow-christians are going on barricades because words like "shit" are used in there.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Just right now

...we have arrived back in Berlin. It was a really extreme action. All in all it has been 800 km (About 432 miles) and not 300 km (about 162 miles) as we thought. We started at half past one and arrived much too late (as usual ;-)). We played there in the CCN-parish house (Christ Center Neum#$uuml#unster). At the door there was a poster calling "Unplugged music, good bands, good music". Ok., it wasn't really unplugged. Rather extremely plugged. Unfortunatly there have been just a few people, so we took our megaphones (MEGAPhONES ARE COOL!!!... you should always have one with you) and went to the park round the corner and have invited some punx and alcohol or drug addicted. And they came and we started to rock. It was really cool i guess. Afterwards we had a nice talk with the guys from the Park and prayed for some... (jesus rocks) then back into the car and 5 hours back home.

Arno has mailed us 3 mp3s so that we can imagine how the CD is going to sound. The others haven't listened to it yet, but I listen to it already the 7th time... ;-) and in my oppinion it really rocks!! On our trip back home we talked about our "roadrunner actions" (look at: MAUERPARK ROCKEN) and realized that it would be cool to post some of the things that are happening, because sometimes very strange but cool things happen. I think I'll do it tomorrow.

one of the fotos by jens from the mauerpark ;-)

Friday, June 17, 2005


Julian just called up to ask if we would like to play a gig in Neumünster? .... Tomorrow... yes, why not? So let's get on to Neumünster, what is lying somewhere north of Hamburg.

Yesterday, we met a guy in the Mauerpark (hello Jens ;-) who is a hobby-photographer and we chatted a bit and he said, that he would like to shoot some bandphotos of us. At a desperate US-Radarstation on the Teufelsberg in Berlin. I'm really curious. He wanted to call back today.

radarstation at the teufelsberg/berlin

What Now?

i have just phoned with Arno and we have chatted a little bit about our future plans... we are just thinking about the best way to sell the CD and how we could, may and should do it. If you have a good Idea to that: Just post it. I have called various labels... let's see.

We are planning to buy a bus. Though Fredes Playmobil is really cool (even if it is unsightly) but small. A real bus would be cool for the summer! So, if you have got one or know anybody who has one and wants to sell it, just mail us. If not: have a nice weekend!

playmobil... for sale. xxxxxxxxxxxxarno

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Alan and Tina are coming... when Frede was in the United States, he travelled along with them. WE know them from Freakass, where they rocked berlin with us. They are coming for an indefinite time and will travel along with us... e.g. to the czech republic... to the underground Freakstock for 20 euros. GO THERE! were really looking forward to that. ALAN, TINA AND THE CZECH REPUBLIC Alan and Tina are coming... when Frede was in the United States, he travelled along with them. WE know them from Freakass, where they rocked berlin with us. They are coming for an indefinite time and will travel along with us... e.g. to the czech republic... to the underground Freakstock for 20 euros. GO THERE! were really looking forward to that.

Monday, June 13, 2005


We just arrived back from Dresden/Leipzig. We spent the whole week in Arnos studio recording our first worshipping-record... and it has really rocked. Intensive prayers and simply hardcore worshipping. I'm really anxious about the result. I hope you too. At the weekend we drove to a spontaneous Gig at the regional meeting in Leipzig where we supported the Freks with worshipping, praying and preaching. It was very cool and this region really rocks!! Thanks, that we could have been there... soon there will be pics from the recording studio here... the CD will probably be realeased in october. Were still totally spirit-moved (hope that won't change again) and thinking about the right time for our "roadrunner-action" how we call our music-playing action in the Mauerpark. We don't want to let our new "congregation" in the Mauerpark alone for too long... let's see


since the general blog-hype has reached Germany and the Freakuniverse even obadja has its own blog. But the true reason was to get the News faster and easier online without always editing the newsanddates.html file...

Not a long time ago Frede and I had the idea to put the engl-amp with the 4*12 Box plus drumset, current generator & two megaphones (thanks to the Salvation Army) into our PLaymobil and to drive into parks, to unload (record: 70 seconds) and to rock! It lasts just minutes till more or less many people are standing in front of us listening, singing along, dancing....
and the most marvellous thing is that we preach afterwards (somtimes more than 30 minutes), but the people just stay and listen and many of them come to us for a chat or ask us to pray for them. Really cool all that ... the last time it just feeled like an Open-Air congragation. We just finished our session and after that somewhat about 8 or 9 people came to us to talk about jesus. So we sat down, opend our bibles and answered their questions. I have explained something. Then a few new ones came and the "old" explained them the coherence of the biblequotes... and i just sat beside and smiled. jesus rocks!