obadja - the hardcore worship

deutsche version

Monday, June 13, 2005


since the general blog-hype has reached Germany and the Freakuniverse even obadja has its own blog. But the true reason was to get the News faster and easier online without always editing the newsanddates.html file...

Not a long time ago Frede and I had the idea to put the engl-amp with the 4*12 Box plus drumset, current generator & two megaphones (thanks to the Salvation Army) into our PLaymobil and to drive into parks, to unload (record: 70 seconds) and to rock! It lasts just minutes till more or less many people are standing in front of us listening, singing along, dancing....
and the most marvellous thing is that we preach afterwards (somtimes more than 30 minutes), but the people just stay and listen and many of them come to us for a chat or ask us to pray for them. Really cool all that ... the last time it just feeled like an Open-Air congragation. We just finished our session and after that somewhat about 8 or 9 people came to us to talk about jesus. So we sat down, opend our bibles and answered their questions. I have explained something. Then a few new ones came and the "old" explained them the coherence of the biblequotes... and i just sat beside and smiled. jesus rocks!


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